What is "K-Hoss"?
"Bonanza," the iconic Western show, follows the lives of the Cartwright brothers—Adam, Hoss, and Little Joe—who work alongside their father, Ben, to manage the sprawling Ponderosa Ranch. Growing up, Bonanza was one of my all time favorite shows largely because of my favorite character, Hoss. Fans of the show know Hoss as a character that shows loyalty, strength, reliability, and an all-around good nature. He’s the kind of guy everyone admires.
Years later, I found myself working on a ranch in Colorado and in desperate need of a friend. I found that friend through the eyes of a Border Collie. The name came easy. "Hoss."
Hoss was more than just a dog—he was my partner, my best friend, and my confidant. We spent every day together on the ranch, just the two of us, working side-by-side through the long hours. It was a bond that transcended words, something you could only understand by living it. He was both the steady companion and the trusted co-worker, always there, always reliable.
When I started thinking of a name for my hat company, "K-Hoss" was the first thing that came to mind. The "K" stands for Kretchman, my last name, and "Hoss" is a tribute to my loyal friend and partner. In that name, I see a reflection of everything we shared—the hard work, the trust, and the unique relationship between a man and his dog.
K-Hoss was born.
Sadly, Hoss’s time came too soon. He was tragically struck by a car and I lost the best partner I could have asked for. Though he’s no longer by my side, his legacy lives on in everything I create with K-Hoss. Every stitch, every design, carries a piece of him. His name and my memories of him will forever remain— the greatest tribute to a man’s best friend.
Getting Started
Above is a 1986 Oldsmobile Delta 88—the car where it all began. At the time, I had considered selling it, but I knew I wouldn’t get much for a nearly 40-year-old vehicle. Still, it was a real beauty. I knew I'd never get what I thought it was worth, going by typical pricing guides. That’s when I had an idea: rather than selling the car outright, I’d "give" it away.
I started by designing a custom patch which I then planned to sell to friends and family. Every patch bought would be an entry to win the car. Then, during a conversation with my good friend Landyn, I had a lightbulb moment—why not sew those patches onto hat blanks and sell the hats instead? Inspired by this new direction, I immediately ordered hat blanks, a shipping label printer, boxes, tape, thread, a sewing machine, and just about everything else I’d need in that first week.
From there, things quickly escalated. I stayed up late after work sewing hats each night, hired a photographer to come take pictures for promotions and product images, formed an LLC, and created several social media pages.
Within a few short weeks, I launched "K-Hoss" with a full-fledged website, ready to take orders. I marketed each hat as an entry to "WIN a car or $1,500 CASH!" The response was incredible. I ran the site for two months, sold far more hats than I ever expected, and—unexpectedly—created a job and a new found passion for myself in the process.
The winner of the giveaway chose the $1,500 cash prize. As for the car, I ended up selling it to a young man who truly appreciated it. He took care of it with great attention and loved it like I had. After everything, it felt like the perfect, full-circle moment. Who doesn't love a good happy ending?
Present Day
From that giveaway, two things emerged.
First, my own inspiration to keep growing K-Hoss.
Second, a community.
I've seen hats worn by people of all ages, in places I've never been, and even in countries I’ve never thought to visit. I’ve heard countless stories of connections made simply by spotting someone else wearing a K-Hoss hat—striking up conversations with others who share a small, unspoken bond.
I love creating something that goes beyond me. Each design carries a piece of myself, a piece of Hoss, and a passion for something greater—expressed through something as simple as headwear.
I hope you love the hats!
– Ben Kretchman